HOLE-IN-ONE CLUB WGA 18-Hole League Representatives manage the "Hole-In-One Club," which is for all women in the Village.  Any woman property owner may join at anytime during the year by paying the $10.00 dues.  Each time a woman in the club makes a hole-in-one on any of the 10 Village courses namely, Balboa, Coronado, Cortez, DeSoto, Granada, Magellan, Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria or Ponce de Leon, she will receive one dollar times the number of members in the club at that time. 

The more members we have in the club the more money you will win, so sign-up today!  Remember you have 365 days a year to get a HIO, not just on league days.

Send your $10.00, check made out to the Hole-In-One Club to Susan Brunette, 2 Hortezuela Lane, Hot Springs Village, AR 71909.  PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR PHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS.

NOTE:  When your account draws down to $3.00, you are asked to bring it back up to the original $10.00, or more.  If there are several hole-in-ones made in close proximity and your account has dropped to zero, you are not eligible for the money even if the posting on the internet has not been updated due to the time it takes to process and receive notification from the person getting the HIO.  It is your responsibility to keep your balance at a positive amount.  

If you have a hole-in-one, call Emma Pinson at 314-750-7138, as soon as possible.

These rules apply for you to have a valid hole-in-one:

  • Any woman owning property in the Village may be a member.
  • The hole-in-one must be made on the courses listed above.
  • The Coronado Par 3 Course does not qualify.
  • You must complete a 9-hole round.
  • It can be made on any day of the year.
  • It must be made in the presence of at least two people besides the one making the HIO.
  • It must occur in a regulation round and not during one where a person is hitting more than one ball.
  • If a temporary tee is being used and the hole has been shortened more than 20 yards, it will not qualify.
  • A HIO on a temporary green or any of the forward tees (Orange or Red) will not qualify.
  • When made in a "scramble" competition, if played where a team comprises of four players and each member of a team plays from each teeing ground, you must tee off on every hole.  


  1. 02/08- Sue Bencriscutto on Desoto #4, 99 yds with a 6 iron.
  2. 07/18 - Michele Lukasavige on Granada #11, 115 yds with a 6 hybrid